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Martin Scorsese eye-balling a George Washington Revolutionary War flick?!?


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. One of the most exciting bits of news to hit today is about yet another Martin Scorsese project. The man is still at the top of his game and consistently makes movies people half his age couldn't match in terms of visual storytelling and vigor.

I'm dying to see his persecuted Christians movie, Silence, but I'm even giddier at the news of him circling a George Washington biopic called The General (per Tracking Board).

We know Scorsese is one of the world's biggest cinephiles, so we have to make sure he doesn't think this is a remake of the silent Buster Keaton classic... although I'd just about murder a man to see Scorsese try to sub out Keaton for whomever his Washington is going to be and make him do all those crazy train stunts.

Darren Aronofsky was initially attached, but he's left the project and Scorsese's Wolf of Wall Street partners, Red Granite, are trying to tempt him to fill the empty director's chair.

The Tracking Board article also highlights another Washington project, with Bradley Cooper attached, that's in the works as well.

Scorsese would make a hell of a Washington movie, especially one that's a Revolutionary War tale, but keep in mind this new potential project is one of many he has on his plate right now. He's got projects with De Niro and Pacino and DiCaprio also in some stage of development. Who knows what's next, but it's awesome the Marty's keeping busy. Keep pumpin' them out, Mr. Scorsese!

-Eric Vespe
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