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Pete's Dragon 2.0 gets a trailer!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I recently wrote a big post about my love of the original Pete's Dragon (click here if you missed it) so I won't bore you with my usual "I love that movie" spiel, but the first trailer for Disney's remake of Pete's Dragon has hit and I wanted to make sure you guys had a chance to see it and discuss it.

I can't tell you if David Lowery and his creative team knocked it out of the park or not. I read an early draft of the script and swung by set for a day while I was in New Zealand last year, but the proof, as they say, is always in the pudding. Movie making is alchemy. You can have all the right ingredients and still fuck up the recipe, so you never know until the thing is finished and allowed to be what it is.

I can tell you that Lowery approached this with the right mixture of reverence and artistic desire to tell a new story, which is totally evident in the below trailer, which sets a somber tone. It looks a little dangerous for a remake of a movie about a big, goofy, green and purple cartoon dragon, but there's also a sense of mystery to it that I really like. I can't quite put my finger on why but I got flashes of the tonally different Something Wicked This Way Comes while watching this one.

Let's have a look:



No matter what you can tell it was gorgeously shot. It's gonna be a pretty movie. If they can get at the heart of the boy and his dog (well, dragon) story this thing might actually be something special. Thoughts?

-Eric Vespe
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