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McG + He-Man? By the power of Grayskull, no...


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Listen, I grew up with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. That was my shit before my attention moved on to the Ninja Turtles. I had the toys, collected read along records, watched the cartoon every time it was on.

I love it, but realize it's silly as shit. I don't think the franchise calls out for a Christopher Nolan down and dirty version (which is kind of what we got when Cannon did their cheap-o movie anyway), but there is something there that could be a lot of fun. It'd be cool to see a movie that embraces Eternia and the fantasy element a bit more.

But McG? Sony, seriously?

Deadline says McG is circling the director's chair and is definitely overseeing yet another rewrite on the property.

I was actually on board the McG train early on. I loved (and still love) his first Charlie's Angels movie, but everything since has been some level of disappointing.

Maybe he'll bring the goofy fun of his Charlie's Angels movies to Masters of the Universe, but I get a nagging feeling it'll be more in line with his Terminator movie... silly in a stupid way while demanding you take it seriously.

Perhaps he'll bring it and surprise us all. I'm not hopeful, but I guess anything is possible...

-Eric Vespe
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