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Check Out an Exclusive Clip from Afonso Poyart's 2 RABBITS!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Muldoon here with a brief look at Afonso Poyart's 2 RABBITS... as you might have imagined from the title. I had the opportunity to see the film a few weeks back and was really smacked in the face at just how wild the thing is. It's a Brazilian cousin to Guy Ritchie/Mathew Vaughn style movies where there's just an onslaught of things attacking your eyes. While I believe the film's run time is an hour and forty minutes, the amount of "Whoa, what a cool shot!" packed in that space is simply astonishing. Make no mistake, this is not a big budget film by any means, it's a "sit down and strap on in" style movie that introduces a new wild character every minute, but some how never gets lost in the chaos. What at times feels like "Wait, what's going on...," everything comes together in a nice bow at the end where you don't feel cheated.

Clearly you get the vibe I enjoyed the film and while it certainly might not be for everyone (Blogger's cliché: check), it's just a fun movie with scenarios I'd never seen before. After seeing the movie, I had the opportunity to chat with Afonso and jumped on it - so expect a quick back and forth chat to pop up here on AICN in the next few days.

The film hits VOD and iTunes today (January 19, 2016), so don't be shocked if you see your favorite film sites pop up with reviews and/or interviews! It's fun - something worth checking out.


Murder, kidnapping and robbery are all in a day’s work for the tangled web of ruthless gangsters, corrupt politicians and shady lawyers in this adrenaline-fueled Brazilian crime saga.



Check out the film's trailer if you're curious to see more! Let me know what you think of the clip in the Talkbacks, folks!


- Mike McCutchen


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