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The Teaser For GREEN ROOM!

Nordling here.

We're all still reeling from the loss of Alan Rickman, who played one of the most iconic villains in film history.  I'd like to think Rickman's work inspired Patrick Stewart for GREEN ROOM - like Rickman, he seems to delight in being the bad guy here.  I saw GREEN ROOM last year at Fantastic Fest, and there is no doubt in my mind that it will wind up on a lot of top ten lists for 2016.  It's a genre film done perfectly right - thrilling, scary, and riveting.  I urge you to see GREEN ROOM when it opens this Spring - this Jeremy Saulnier guy is the real deal.  But if you've seen BLUE RUIN, you already knew that.  Here's the teaser, thanks to Empire:

GREEN ROOM opens this April. 

Nordling, out.

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