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Amber Heard who's gonna play Mera in AQUAMAN??

Amber Heard’s one of those actresses whose personal life gets far more ink than her talents as a performer. That’s a shame, because I’ve found her to be one of the more alluring, confident presences of her generation, and has projected a natural, likable toughness in films like DRIVE ANGRY, THE RUM DIARY (where she met her megastar beau Johnny Depp), MAGIC MIKE XXL, 3 DAYS TO KILL, PINEAPPLE EXPRESS, INFORMERS, THE WARD, and more.


But this gig will shine a sizable light on her skills as a thespian.


She’s in talks to play Mera, love interest to AQUAMAN, in one or both of the JUSTICE LEAGUEs as well as that character’s solo film.


Heard’s never played a character quite like Mera, the cross-dimensional being who eventually becomes Aquaman’s wife, nor has she appeared in any comic book movies to date (though her turns in MACHETE KILLS and 3 DAYS TO KILL were certainly arch). She has a look that could easily suggest an otherworldly origin, and a boldness and strength that would suit her well as an undersea queen. Plus, she looks dynamite in swimwear (see: THE STEPFATHER or THE RUM DIARY), which is obviously a megahuge plus.


The thing is, any love interest acting opposite Jason Momoa has to be project a certain, shall we say, durability so that it doesn’t seem like the big guy’s gonna steal the poor woman and take her away to his cave, and I’ll bet Heard can do it roughly as well as Emilia Clarke did in GOT Season 1.


How you feel about Amber Heard as Mera?

AQUAMAN drinks Jack Sparrow’s Kool-Aid on July 27th, 2018.


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