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X-MEN APOCALYPSE gets a motion poster! Trailer comin' manana!


If you couldn’t tell, that there’s a motion picture for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, revealing its rather generic, Fox-y tagline that could just as easily be for a Bowflex or something. As you can see, the accompanying Tweet promises a trailer coming tomorrow, so keep your claws sharpened for that.


Personally, I can’t wait to see how the rather striking looks of Olivia Munn’s Psylocke and Oscar Isaac’s Apocalypse work in action, which I hope the teaser will shed light on.


A recent trailer shown in Italy was fairly close to what was screened at SDCC earlier this year, so the teaser might not veer too far off from what some of us have already seen, be it live or on shitty shakycam, but whatever it is, it’ll show off Apocalypse’s gorgeous blueness in glorious HD, which is something.


Already trying to temper my expectations that this will be as good, or moreso, as DOFP, but seeing as that was my favorite of the series so far, I’m betting that Singer goes 4 for 4 with his X-flicks.


X-MEN: APOCALYPSE is nigh on May 27th, 2016.


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