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More behind-the-scenes Rey with Daisy Ridley in this STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Clip!


Hey folks, Scurlock here.

Eleven more days.

Eleven very, very short days and STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS will answer the multitude of questions fans have been pondering, the various deeply layered theories, and of course, spawn that many more about the future of the franchise and its characters once the credits roll. So is life as a STAR WARS fan.

If your fandom isn't already visually represented by a water-logged sponge, here's even more THE FORCE AWAKENS to pour into your brain parts! Daisy Ridley and John Boyega give a bit of insight into Ridley's mysterious desert scavenger, Rey, with some extra footage dumped in for good measure:



Alright, and by "insight" I mean they say some stuff about her that provides literally no new information about who she actually is. Good.

Is Rey a Force-sensitive newcomer set to make her own path in the STAR WARS universe? Does she come from famous Jedi lineage? For those über-speculators, there might still be some fun in pondering and disecting, but at this point anything legitimately new only takes away from the in-theater experience of finding out with everyone else. That's why I guess I don't mind these little spots, because they're ultimately harmless, and I hope they stay that way.

December 18th, it's comin'.


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