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The Dude, "Jeff Dowd," is at a crucial moment, and Harry will always abide....

Hey folks, Harry here...   We all love THE BIG LEBOWSKI and the Jeff Bridges performance of  "The Dude" Jeffery Lebowski.   That character is based upon Jeff Dowd, THE DUDE, or THE DUDERINO as some reverentially refer.   Like most of us, I read every syllable of Roger Ebert, and learned that The Dude was inspired by a real and true character that was at the precipice of so much cool, pushing it into the cultural conscience in such a fashion as to seem fated by the Gods immortal.   For me, there was a night atop the GSD&M parking garage to replace Quentin Tarantino introducing Jack Hill and SWITCHBLADE SISTERS - and Jeff Dowd "THE DUDE" was in the audience, called Roger Ebert and said, "LISTEN TO THIS" - Roger called me the following Monday, and my days co-hosting with Roger were insured.  Later in life, THE DUDE had me along on South American adventures that I wouldn't put to print, but that were the kind of thing, the Coen's would film.   THere was a time and place on this Earth when I was alleged Dead.  It was The Dude, leading an investagative body of Dusty Cohl, Richard Corliss and Roger Ebert that found me reading the screenplay to ARMAGEDDON, whilst on a balcony passing through the Panama Canal in my boxers sipping a pina colada.   No lie.   The DUDE, Jeff Dowd, has been there for so many - and this moment.  Right now.  If you know him.  Reach out to him.   THE DUDE is in need, and I could not sit idly by when my friend called upon me tonight.   This is what he wished me to pass along.   When the Dude calls, I always abide...


As “Brave New World” author Aldous Huxley said: “The truth lies at both extremes at once, very often side by side.”
This is My 9th  day of loving being 66 years Forever Young as I finally move past destroying myself inside and hurting others. I am now rising above that war and better continue doing so if I want to stay Forever Young.
Today I am truly at my It’s A Wonderful Life moment standing on the metaphorical bridge looking down at that  sure death icy river that even Houdini couldn’t survive and wondering  “Should I Stay or Should I go.”
So many people these days are on that bridge feeling hopeless like the deck is stacked against them. In my case, the luckiest guy on earth, I am the one who stacked the deck against  myself and way  too often against you and others.
I am not gonna jump because I am powered by "Everything is gonna be alright" and hundreds of tunes with the same message . And have faith in you that this is a Bridge to a brighter future for all, and in one way or another big or small you can help right away so It's a Wonderful Life has the ending I've have seen probably about 60 times . Please kindly email me ASAP tonight or Monday  at if you are inclined to help. First:

I profoundly apologize for any harm, frustration or disappointment that I have caused you or your family and colleagues. I accept 100% of the responsibility.

Ho’0’pono’pono is an ancient Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness.

“I am sorry.” “Please forgive me.” “Thank You.”  “I love you”

I will  continue to embrace  my new found inner peace and not cause people to suffer  collateral damage as I have been doing with my over-anxious  inner war,

Yet I   lacked faith and time to realize my own proven artistry that I have been doing for decades, Storytelling that is unique, entertaining, provocative and inspiring.  As you see,  I was always helping so many others as one of their team members  realize their dreams (which was wonderful),  Yet not asking people to team up  behind my art from which is  Storytelling.  Paradoxically being fearless as a member of their team member yet fearful when it came to my artistic potential.  

Very soon I will financially fine for the rest of my life and be able to help folks as one of their team members by staying  Forever Young

Thanks for all you do,
Jeffino Dowdino 
Jeff Dowd

As “Brave New World” author Aldous Huxley said: “The truth lies at both extremes at once, very often side by side.


I just turned 66. My Mythological  Call is to share everything I have ever learned from so many people, you too. and experienced. I am doing by telling  Classic Tales I have been part of myself ,  or sharing ones from other folks to help empower people to Imagine and Create a better and personally more fulfilling world.

 This especially relates to and is crucial for the Younger Generation where what I call the Male Violent Virus Pandemic is everywhere and spreading . That's the extreme manifestation at a time when so many people, especially younger ones are lacking hope, guidance, Mentorship and a J-O-B that allows them to survive and thrive so they can  contribute all the great skills they have naturally and learned. What was that college education with all its costs for any way? 


“The Dude Experience

Classic Tales That Inspire Us All”

A Trans-Media Experience  

A Journey  from Our Past to Our  Future 

presented in Episodes


I have been reaching out to many people I know and have helped as one of their team members to realize their dreams to see if they want to participate creatively in one or more  Episode. We can do that at a time that respects their busy schedules in a way time wise works for them


 Since  there are dozens of Episodes that are written sthey can pick an Episode say three  months from now that they can read and dream upon what they might love to be part of the creatively  and find a bit of time to do it. In other words the deadline is very soft and their contribution can come in increments. 


That includes writers, directors (bot doc and narrative), art directors, production designers, actors, producers, animators, illustrators, musicians, activists, composers, poets, historians, entrepreneurs , athletes , voice over actors, all kinds of spiritual people-lots of them, environmentalists, academics and cosmos of scientists, and above all women kinds of women who I believe will lead the way in most respects into the future


It’s Interactive so as the Episodes are released they can participate and add links, stories, videos, models of solutions , of theirs  experiences and help Imagine , Solutionate and Create our path forward beyond the Worst of Times to the Best of Times. 


There will also be an old school book so you can hold and caress it in your favorite spot, with scanning code links your mobile can read and send to devices like tablets, computers and TV’s  to hear music and watch videos.  


We are Storytellers and we know these Classic Tales work because I have learned from and participated with others telling Classic Tales in bedrooms, pre-coital and then post coital, living rooms, clubs, lecture halls , concert halls, basketball arenas ,  baseball fields we know these stories  work. Many I’m not in—they are sprung from others and I am passing them along.

This coming year I will be on Tour presenting Episodes  and creating a situation where we have essentially a Town Hall Meeting. This happens a lot lately. In this election year and considering some  Current Events and all the great work people are doing to solutionate problems by Coming Together to Imagine and Create  a Future that can be the Best of Times for alll. The Models of their successes which abound throughtout the world 

With Love andRespect,


Sometimes the Dud and sometimes the Dude.

Yet always, especially now, after some profound personal changes.

Always Abiding!

That's Jeff Dowd, The Dude.  Even if you just send him a smile, a toast of a drink.   He's in his darkest hour.   Jeff has always been there for young creatives, bending the ear of the sympathetic critic looking to discover talent that nobody else is crowing about.   More than that, he's a man that appreciates and knows the finest ways to just be cool.  If you're a friend of his, reach out.  He needs to hear he's loved!

