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Time for a new poster for Quentin Tarantino's THE HATEFUL EIGHT!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. They've screened Hateful Eight a few times and I've had conversations with some that have seen the 70mm Roadshow version and to the person they have raved. Not just about the experience of watching a movie shot in 70mm shown in 70mm. They also have said that this could be the best movie of Tarantino's career, which is a big statement, but there was no hesitation on their part throwing that out there.

So you could fairly say I'm psyched beyond reason for this thing.

There's a new poster out that's really pretty and even has that old poster trick of putting a giant cast in little squares along the bottom of the poster. You got that a lot with the disaster movies and war movies of the '70s because there were literally too many people in the cast to put on the poster otherwise.

Check it out:



We have new Star Wars, that actually looks great and this movie hitting within a week or two of each other. How lucky are we to be alive right now?

-Eric Vespe
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