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Movie News

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS TV Spot #3 continues give us a minute of a fix!

Hey folks, Harry here...   Interupting my episode of STAR WARS REBELS came news of a third TV Spot for JJ's super secret STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS.   Now this is standard operating procedure for JJ - who loves his Mystery Box presentations - and personally, I kinda love it too.   If the reports we're hearing are true - and they're not going to do long lead press screenings and doing Press Screenings just the day or two before release - there must be some Spoilers that they'd like to hold off spilling before the end of things.  

Personally - I've heard from a few people that have seen this flick and I've heard zero bitching and nothing but excitement.  But I swear - these nuggets of a galaxy far far away just thrill me.  It's like a coloring book that's also connect the dots.   Check it out...


Keep it cool,



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