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Herc’s Seen Tonight’s Fifth HOMELAND Of 2015!!

I am – Hercules!!

Homeland 5.4 FAQ

What’s it called?
“Better Call Saul.”

Who’s responsible?
Teleplay is credited to Ben Cavell and Alex Gansa.

What says Showtime?
“The hacktivists rise up. Quinn covers for Carrie. Dar and Allison assess the damage.”

How does it start?
With Saul, Allison and Dar on a Geneva runway, discussing what to tell the Swiss Federal Police.

What is Saul’s reaction when Carrie tells him Allison ordered her killed?
Carrie doesn’t actually call Saul this week.

What’s doing with Laura The Leaker and her hot blonde German interrogator?
Early on a flat tire puts Astrid on a new course. Laura has a conversation on a train platform.

Who does Peter Quinn get to kill this week?
Quinn is too busy bleeding to kill anybody.

The big news?
It turns out Allison is working for someone we met fairly recently.

What else is Showtime not telling us?
Saul has taken up running.

What’s good?
“Yeah, I think we’re clear on that.”

What’s not so good?
This one spins its wheels a bit.

How does it end, spoiler boy?
“Since Mira filed for divorce.” “Drive.”

9 p.m. Sunday. Showtime.

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