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Rumor has it Chris McQuarrie punched up the Star Wars: Rogue One script!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Latino-Review has a new rumor that should excite anybody who likes both Star Wars and good movies: They're saying that Christopher McQuarrie did a quick polish on the script for the very first Star Wars spin-off movie ROGUE ONE.

McQuarrie has more than proven his ability to direct with films like Way of the Gun, Jack Reacher and Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, but that's not where his abilities end. His talent with the written word is what made him his reputation in the business and still one of his greatest strengths, be it his script for The Usual Suspects or the more recent Edge of Tomorrow.

What's important about McQuarrie's writing is he gets character like no other, so if this is true then it bodes well for Rogue One, which has been promised to be mostly (if not completely) Jedi free.

LR says his involvement was a "two-week polish," which I assume means was more of a dialogue/character finish than anything in-depth. It's not unprecidented, either. At the last minute George Lucas brought in his American Grafitti collaborators Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz to punch up his rather clunky dialogue in the original Star Wars script and they nailed it. If that's McQuarrie's role here they couldn't have given it to a better guy.

With Star Wars hype reaching peak craziness on the cusp of the release of the final Episode 7 trailer I can't help but feel incredibly optimistic about the future of one of my favorite film franchises. Rian Johnson, Gareth Edwards, Christopher McQuarrie, Lawrence Kasdan, Lord & Miller... there are some ridiculously talented people in the Star Wars sandbox right now.


-Eric Vespe
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