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First Trailer for Creepy Doll Movie, THE BOY!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

Dolls are fucking creepy. It's a scientific fact that has been proven time and time again. CHILD'S PLAY, THE PUPPET MASTER, DOLLS, ANNABELLE...the list goes one. Dolls are terrifying and are not to be trusted. ESPECIALLY when they are taking the place of a mourning couple's dead child, and might actually be possessed by his ghost. Then you're really in trouble.

This is what happens in THE BOY. The film stars Lauren Cohan (SUPERNATURAL, THE WALKING DEAD) as an American woman hired on as a nanny in rural England. The couple she works for lost their young son in an accident many years ago, and have filled the void caused by his absence with a very life-like, creepy as fuck doll version of him. As I said before, dolls are not to be trusted, and that holds true here, as the doll appears to move around on its own and get into all kinds of bad-natured trouble.

The film comes from writer Stacey Menear and director William Brent Bell. I wasn't a huge fan of Bell's demonic found footage film, THE DEVIL INSIDE, but this looks like it could be fun. It's got enough creepy elements to keep the plot moving forward, and certainly enough unsettling little doll moments to keep audiences on edge.

Check out the trailer below. THE BOY opens on January 22nd.


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