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Simon Kinberg talks about the Fantastic Four sequel!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Ever since the critical and box office thrashing Fox's Fantastic Four reboot got there has been a question as to how they were going to proceed. We know they already pre-greenlighted a sequel before release and they'd rather throw good money after bad in order to keep the rights from reverting to Marvel, but a sequel to that mess that came out this summer? Really?

MTV was able to track down Simon Kinberg and asked him about the sequel and it's a pretty great read because he's clearly flustered about the whole process, torn between being proud of a great deal of the work done on the movie and frustrated with how it all turned out.

He does say he's focused on the sequel and that he'd like for the new cast including Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller and Jamie Bell to return, but “we're figuring out what that movie would be.” It reads like it's not set in stone that they will return.

The fatal flaw of the movie was there was no heart in it. The family dynamic is crucial to the Fantastic Four and even when all the group got together it never really felt like they cared for each other in a non-superficial way.

That's not necessarily the fault of the actors, but I never felt they gelled either as a group unit or as individual characters. I guess I wouldn't mind it if they called a mulligan and redid the group. Just don't make it an origin story and quit being so goddamn scared to make Dr. Doom actually Dr. Doom and you're on the right track.

-Eric Vespe
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