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Someone's trying to reboot Zorro by way of Mad Max...


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a weird little bit of news that just hit. THR's Borys Kitt just broke a story that a Zorro reboot is in the works that would set the swashbuckling hero-of-the-people against a near-future post-apocalyptic backdrop.

The film is currently called Zorro Reborn and will be produced by Lantica Media and Sobini Films, with an eye for a 2016 shoot date in the Dominican Republic.

This definitely feels like an early announcement as there is no star, writer or director attached to the project yet, so it wouldn't surprise me if this one burns hot for a little bit and then fades away. Tens of thousands of projects do that every year, after all. But if this does happen it's going to be weeeeiiiirrrddd.

Mad Max meets Zorro? That's either going to be the best thing ever made or the worst. I can't quite figure out which one yet. I guess we'll see who joins up as this thing makes its way through development.


-Eric Vespe
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