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Hour Long STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Panel is online to stare at with wonder & awe

Hey Folks, Harry here... That BTS reel that played Comic Con yesterday was pure bliss.  Giving us a feel for the solidity of the fantasy that JJ is weaving for us all.   I've been lucky enough over the years to have a few really good 1 on 1 conversations and emails with JJ and the one thing I know he means is his own fandom for this project.  For several old school STAR WARS - the saga was already destroyed by its creator and they see this as a rebirth.  Still others have come to fully embrace the Prequels and watch them as companion pieces with the animated CLONE WARS and well...  those animated chapters are pretty outstanding.   But for many of us-  Especially those of us that remember watching Jedi and wanting immediately to see what happens next with Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie, R2, 3PO & Lando.   As those Extended Universe books came out - we dreamed and we continue to dream.  When Harrison Ford talked shit about STAR WARS it hurt and pissed us right the fuck off.  It felt like a betrayal.

Now - to watch Harrison Ford walk out on to the stage, hug Luke, kiss Leia...   Holy shit this is really fucking happening and I couldn't be happier.   


Just watch this...



Keep it cool...



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