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McHale: Season Seven Of COMMUNITY Unlikely But ‘Really’ Thinks There Will Be A Movie!!

I am – Hercules!!

From Joel McHale’s new interview with Esquire:

ESQUIRE: Now that Community ended its sixth season on Yahoo!, is it actually over?

McHALE: All of our contracts ended this season. They would have to significantly increase some of the pay of some of the actors, I think. For so long, we were on NBC against The Big Bang Theory and we would get some numbers, which were actually very helpful to the Thursday night numbers, but they canceled us. And thank God for Yahoo! Screen. I really do think there'll be a movie.

ESQUIRE: I've seen Yahoo insinuate that on Twitter.

McHALE: I think what has to happen is that Dan [Harmon, creator] needs to write the script. It's a tall order for someone. "Go write a brilliant movie script on a beloved show that you've been writing for six years. Go! Just go ahead and do that!" I don't think that is something that's like, "Let me just have a long weekend." The cast would do it. We would all do it.

ESQUIRE: You think there's one more story to tell?

McHALE: Much like a Japanese general in World War II, or any war before that, the only option is success. If there isn't, then it's suicide. I really do think there'll be a movie. It might be false optimism, but I really think there will be. The more people read and talk about it, the more it gets stirred up. I think it'll be bigger than Pitch Perfect 2.

McHale may be living in a fool’s paradise. The weak box office for the second “Sex In The City” movie and the new “Entourage” movie may make studios highly wary of another movie based on a sitcom. 

I wouldn't hold your breath for an "Arrested Development" movie either.

Find all of Esquire’s story on the matter here.

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Blu At Last July 14!!

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