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Will X-FILES 2016 Deal With Extraterrestrials, Or Just More Vampires, Ghosts & Werewolves??

I am – Hercules!!

If I recall correctly, the second “X-Files” movie, unlike the first one, didn’t deal much with extraterrestrials.

Will next year’s six-episode “X-Files” miniseries give similar short shrift to alien invaders?

A hint may or may not be found in this photo snapped by one Garrett M. Smart. It seems to depict an “X-Files” construction crew assembling what appears to be a crashed flying saucer outside of Canada’s Ashcroft, British Columbia.

Now if you’ve seen the first “X-Files” movie you know the invaders have used much more impressive spacecraft than what’s depicted here, which looks more like something from a 1950s sci-fi adventure.

So Will Spooky Mulder and Dana Scully be visiting another movie set? Are they investigating a hoax? Are we looking at the work of imitative “Galaxy Quest”-type extraterrestrials?

I leave it to the talkbackers to puzzle it out.

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