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THE FORCE AWAKENS Product Assault Begins On ‘Force Friday’!! It’s Closer Than You May Be Expecting...

If you’re like me, and have been teetering precariously on the verge of a total Geek meltdown over the last few weeks, this news may not help you much. is thrilled to announce that Star Wars: The Force Awakens products will land in our galaxy on September 4, 2015, at 12:01 a.m. — “Force Friday” — with stores around the world opening their doors at midnight for a special celebration of all things Star Wars. It will be a day long remembered. 

…reveals HERE.  

Another ‘4’!  

Force Friday!?!?!?!?  


I vividly remember the Toys R Us ‘night madness’ release of THE PHANTOM MENACE toys. Some poor fucker was bumped face-first into a plastic kiddie pool filled with unwanted Jar Jars (no, it wasn’t me). What a fantastic and symbolic photo that would’ve made in retrospect.  

I’d love to snootily decree that that I have no interest at all in such tomfoolery these days - that stay in, sleep, and wait to hunt down FORCE AWAKENS stuff the good, old fashioned way.  Over weeks and months…before finally succumbing to their inflated prices on eBay.  But I know better than that.  I’ll be there, front and center, September 4.  Because I can’t help it.  And because it’s so damn good to have STAR WARS back in such a big way…





Glen Oliver





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