Ain't It Cool News (

Exclusive Clip from an All New LUCHA UNDERGROUND!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

Wednesday, April 15th is upon us, and that means exactly two things: Taxes and Lucha Underground. I'll take a gamble and guess you guys are probably a tad more psyched about crazy luchador madness than you are about paying the IRS. And with damn good reason!

Tonight's episode features more exciting action between Team Cuerno and Team Puma as the Trios Tournament continues. 

AND you'll have a chance to check out the final match in their Best-of-Five series, featuring a wicked showdown between Drago and Aerostar. We've got an exclusive preview of that match right here - take a look!

LUCHA UNDERGROUND airs tonight at 8:00 ET/PT on El Rey Network. 





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