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Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund on Board for TRON 3!



Hey guys! Horrorella here...

We recently learned that a new film in the TRON series would be filming in Vancouver later this year, but have heard absolutely nothing since. Would any of the stars be returning? What would the plot look like? Most importantly - will Daft Punk be on board?

At least one of those questions seems to be answered, according to a report from THR. They are stating that TRON: LEGACY stars Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund are both set to return for TRON 3, to be directed by Joseph Kosinski.

We still haven't heard a word as to what the story will look like or what the focus will be, but with this news, it does seem to be continuing the events of 2010's TRON: LEGACY, which saw Hedlund's Sam Flynn finally reunited with his father (Jeff Bridges) inside a digital world. Presumably, the new film will focus on the effects of Wilde's Quorra character being brought into the human world.

Good news for TRON fans, and hopefully we'll have more details about the project soon. Particularly, anything Daft Punk-related.

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