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Which former franchise character might be returning for FAST AND FURIOUS 8?

Hey Yo, Draven here.

After FURIOUS 7 grossed almost $400 million worldwide this weekend (and will now likely be Universal’s first billion dollar movie), a FAST AND FURIOUS 8 is inevitable. How do they go about it though? Obviously, we are going to get the same crew as the last three films (minus Brian O'Conner of course) and most likely the return of Kurt Russell’s Mr. Nobody character, but part of what makes these films so awesome is the constant call backs to previous films in the series. In the seventh film of this franchise we saw characters that we haven’t seen since the third and first installments, so the following rumor isn’t a surprise to anybody who has been following the series.

Our friend, El Mayimbe, is reporting over at his Instagram page, that the New York story they want to do for the next one involves Eva Mendes’ character from 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS:

This wouldn’t be the first sighting of Mendes’ character as she had a small cameo in the credit stinger scene of FAST FIVE working with Dwayne Johnson’s Agent Hobbs character. So there is already an established relationship with a current character, not to mention her interactions with Tyrese’s character in 2 FAST, which should make for a logical and smooth introduction into the next film. (Yes, I know logical and smooth are exactly the opposite of what this series is going for.)

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