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DOCTOR WHO Returned To Television 10 Years Ago Today!! Happy Anniversary NuWHOniverse And NuWHOvians!!


10 years ago today, DOCTOR WHO returned to television after a 16 year absence (not including a resurrection attempt in 1996).  The subsequent period of time would become known as ‘NuWHO’ by many, although it was conceived to be (and remains) very, very much a continuation of the ‘classic’ show which ran from  1963-1989).

Under the helm of then showrunner Russell T. Davies, DOCTOR WHO deftly recaptured the spirit of the original series, while also expanding its scale, conceptual possibilities, and…perhaps most significantly…its comedic and dramatic potential.  

I’m not a big one for ‘anniversaries,’ but I wanted to take one moment to acknowledge this one.  My discovery of DOCTOR WHO changed my life - a truth for which I will remain eternally grateful.  In my scant few years of traversing the long and complex history of DOCTOR WHO through both personal interest and my work on this site, I’ve encountered countless wonderful individual.  My experiences with our ongoing Docbacks are invaluable and will forever remain close to my heart.  Its participants, both time tested and new, are among the finest on-line forum participants I’ve encountered in the nearly two decades that I’ve been doing this kind of work.  I’ve met fans at DOCTOR WHO-related screenings who remain friendly to this day.  On the whole, DOCTOR WHO fans, by the way, rank very high amongst the kindest and most approachable fan bases I’ve come across in my lifetime as a Geek.  

This updating/repackaging was further amplified when Steven Moffat stepped into Davies’ position upon DW’s fifth Season/Series.  Under Moffat’s lead, musical motifs were also embiggened and enhanced, photography was realized in slicker and more contemporary manners, and visual effects were further refined and improved upon.   In many regards,  the show aggressively embraced a number of highly modernized sensibilities in terms of its overall presentation. The ‘face’ it puts on, if you will.   It is my contention that this is why Moffat-era DOCTOR WHO appears to finally be speaking to a more mainstream contingent of press and viewership.  Why it’s finally something more than a fringe, cult title here in the States, for example.   From the standpoint of production alone, DW has evolved to sufficient quality and presentation to stand alongside the ‘big boys.’  It now feels relevant because it is, quite simply, presenting itself as relevant.  

And, of course, I consider myself equally blessed and privileged to have discovered the wonderful breadth of storytelling DOCTOR WHO affords.  It has changed my perspective on what is possible on television, and very much informed my own extracurricular undertakings.  In my own creative efforts, learning about DOCTOR WHO…seeing how it was made and exploring how it approached the telling of its stories…has, quite simply, made me better.  Shaped how stories might be told, in a manner which expands horizons and opens up limitless possibilities.  

Below you’ll find a few ways DW’s 10th Anniversary has been acknowledged across the Net.  If you know of others that are not included here…and I’m certain there are others…please drop them into the Talkback below.  


This one comes to us from ‘John Smith’ (is that his real name?), who brought us this staggeringly wonderful ‘fan promo for Series/Season 8, which was easily more potent than any promotion BBC brought forth as the Peter Capaldi-era approached.  His new 10th Anniversary piece is quite lovely as well…



Here’s a wonderful, breathless clip-based celebration… 



BBC brings us this insight from current 'Doctor' Peter Capaldi, who recounts seeing Rose, the first episode of the NuWHO resurrection. 



Radio Times has THIS cool piece offering acknowledgments from a number of DOCTOR WHO personalities. 

DOCTOR WHO 10th - Eccleston

Don’t make the mistake I made and overlook the small blue ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the page.  There are, I believe, 15 pages of lovely sentiments and greetings from personages of NuWHOvian significance.


YouTuber ERod Blockbuster Buster also has some thoughts on the matter.  


So there you have it.  10 years of NuWHO, which is rather unbelievable.  So much has happened since then.  There’s so much left to happen. 

Happy Anniversary, NuWHO.  And here’s to many decades more…



Glen Oliver





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