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Sci-Fi Comedy LAZER TEAM gets a teaser trailer!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. My buddies at Rooster Teeth have been slaving away at their big first feature film for a while now, thanks to a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign supported by the amazing community they've built over the years.

The flick is called Lazer Team and is about four doofuses who find a crashed alien delivery of a powerful super suit meant for Earth's mightiest hero to stave off invasion. Of course they each put on a piece of the suit and then permanently bond to it, meaning these jackasses now have to be the primary force to save the earth.

It's a great concept and fits the humor of these guys.

They've released a teaser trailer, first to their doners, then to the live crowd at their big Let's Play Live event last night and now to the rest of the world.

Check it out:



Looks solid, yeah? Can't wait to see how this thing comes together! What do you folks think?

-Eric Vespe
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