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Wanna See Brad Pitt In A SWEEPING ROMANTIC THRILLER From Robert Zemeckis???

Brad Pitt Broom

Jeremy here...

If you know me well, you know there's nothing in this world I love more than romance, thrillers and sweeping. Mash them together, and you have the makings for what could easily be my favorite movie of all time.

So imagine my excitement when the below press release hit my inbox. Brad Pitt to star in a "sweeping romantic thriller" directed by Robert Zemeckis? Be still my sweeping, thrilling, romantic heart! The film will be based on a story by Steve Knight, whose credits include LOCKE (which he also directed), THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY and EASTERN PROMISES. Here's hoping this means we'll get Pitt fighting some dudes nude in a Russian bathhouse.

Here's the press release. The above image is what I got when I searched "Brad Pitt" and "Broom".

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