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Set Pics Of Fassbender And Rogen As Jobs And Wozniak in Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs Film!!

The sourcing on these images is a bit unclear, but to cover all the bases, these come to us via DailyMail, Splash News, and MacRumors.

Here’s a look at Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs, and Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak, in the new Jobs movie scripted by Aaron Sorkin and helmed by Danny Boyle.  

Fassbender/Rogen - Jobs movie

Fassbender - Jobs movie



This project, clearly now underway, is the same one David Fincher was once gonna direct - an iteration which also found Christian Bale starring as Jobs at one point.   

The film, built from Walter Isaacson’s interesting and compelling bio of Jobs,  should arrive on screens next year.  




Glen Oliver




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