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Poster for All Women-Helmed Horror Anthology XX is Here!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

As both a horror fiend and an anthology lover, I couldn't be more excited for XX. The anthology film will includ four segments, each helmed by a different genre director - all women.

Filmmakers Karyn Kusama (JENNIFER's BODY), Mary Harron (AMERICAN PSYCHO), Jennifer Lynch (SURVEILLANCE) and Jovanka Vuckovic (the upcoming JACQUELINE ESS) will all take on a different segment.

Nothing is known about the focus of the shorts at this time, but Magnet just released a big, attention-getting poster and makes it statement pretty clear: women have long since embraced genre filmmaking, and it's time for the genre to be embracing them right back.

Looking forward to seeing a trailer sometime soon.


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