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Which Classic Character Will Appear On STAR WARS REBELS January 5??


STAR WARS REBELS is taking some time off for the Holidays, but when the show returns to Disney XD on January 5, fans of the feature films will be in for a little treat.   

Yoda - referenced prominently and early on in REBELS - will apparently appear as a disembodied voice in an episode called Path of the Jedi.   

Frank Oz, who famously starred as the Yoda (in puppet and computer-generated form) in five of the Star Wars films, returns to the franchise for this episode. "I felt personally to keep Yoda as this disembodied thing it would confuse the audience less," says executive producer Dave Filoni, who also directed the installment. 

…says TV Guide HERE.   

While I still find the minimalism of its design and production value  frustrating and bordering on cut-rate at times, I’m very much enjoying the energy, heart, direction, and storytelling of REBELS as a whole.  While I do want it to stand mostly on its own, I also look forward to seeing how the show evokes CLONE WARS conceits, classic trilogy conceits, and possibly even portends new trilogy conceits as this canonical series progress into its already-announced second season…and beyond. 




Glen Oliver





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