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At least two actresses have been approached about starring in the new GHOSTBUSTERS reboot!

Hey Yo, Draven here.

As Paul Feig’s female-centered GHOSTBUSTERS reboot gets closer to reality, the early stages of casting the film have begun and it seems like Feig is currently meeting with talent he might be interested in.

First up is Rebel Wilson, who gave an interview to Today and admitted that she has met about GHOSTBUSTERS:

"I have had a meeting," she said, adding that she'd want to see the finished script. But she's clearly interested: "I would even do that without the money truck. I'd do that for free. I probably shouldn't say that live on TV."

Then, there is Jennifer Lawrence who told MTV UK that she has met with Feig (she doesn’t specifically say it was about GHOSTBUSTERS although that was the topic being asked about):

"I actually met with the director (Feig). I had dinner with him. I sure did."

None of this actually means that Wilson or Lawrence will even end up in the film. It's a long process and they are probably meeting with a lot of actresses right now and of course that would include the hottest star in the world right now (Lawrence) and another one that is on the rise (Wilson). It seems that we are still a ways off from any official casting announcements and this news might ultimately be meaningless but it at least gives us an idea on where they are at with the project.

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