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The End is Nigh! New Red-Band Trailer for [REC]4: APOCALYPSE!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

If you are like me, and a huge fan of the [REC] films then you can't wait to start 2015 off right with the fourth and final film in the series. [REC]4: APOCALYPSE hits theaters on January 2nd, and Magnet has a new, super-violent, gory as all hell trailer to give you a taste of what you can expect when it does.

The final chapter in the story sees reporter Angela Vidal (Manuela Velasco) transported to a high-security quarentine facility located on an oil tanker. The facility is compromised, as it isn't long before the mysterious virus makes its way on board, and it isn't long until things turn downright vicious.

Director Jaume Balaguero has ditched the found-footage element in this final film (as Paco Plaza did mid-way through [REC]3), but unlike the third film, this one is back to terrifying in tone, and plays it as a straight up horror film. The first two movies had some exquisitely terrifying moments, and I'm hoping this new film measures up.

What do you guys think?


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