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"Somebody play some music!!" Behold the trailer for TOKYO TRIBE, "the world's first battle rap musical!!!"

Today, we got a Sion Sono trailer double feature for you. First there was the celluloid-devout mayhem of WHY DON'T YOU PLAY IN HELL?, and now, we have an English-subtitled trailer for Sono's adaptation of the manga TOKYO TRIBE.


The first scene in the trailer actually gives a good idea of what this film is. It is indeed a rap musical broken up by elaborate dance or fight scenes, and only occasionally for exchanges of dialogue. Most of the exposition is delivered through verse, and the scenes are staged like massive music videos.


At the :57 mark, the trailer starts giving you pieces of the bonkers imagery and energy that fuels TOKYO TRIBE, and it does so without ruining any specific beats or moments (though the double-fisted John Woo execution is indeed a takehome moment).


If you need further convincing, read Nordling and Anton Sirius's thoughts on the film. TOKYO TRIBE isn't perfect (the narrative is slightly too nonsensical to have a real punch), and it certainly isn't for everyone, but there's nothing quite like it and its unique pleasures are something you should at least take a peek at for yourself. This trailer will inform you if this is your particular cup of crazy.


 Oh, and that last dude's *ahem* male insecurity actually plays a crucial role in the film's plot. In case you were still wondering what kind of movie this was.


TOKYO TRIBE doesn't have a U.S. release date set yet, but it came out in Japan in August and is currently making the festival rounds, so keep an eye out for it.

-Papa Vinyard

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