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The Making of the T2: Ultimate Edition DVD

El Cosmico here, with a bit of the web for the curious to explore...

These days, the T2 Ultimate Edition is seen as a fine example of the capabilities of the DVD format, and rightfully so. Hopefully most of you won't find this TERRIBLY shocking, but I don't own it. A couple of folks I know do, but to be honest, I just don't care for T2 that much as a film, and it's not the sort of movie I feel compelled to own. I already have sufficiently wonderful discs with which to show off my system. All of that aside, though, I thought a good lot of you would be interested in some web content that Apple put up, regarding the creation of this, one of the most elaborately produced DVDs yet put on the market.

Head over to:

There you will find three webpages with a good many links, basically, this is an advertisement for using the Macintosh for multimedia production. Not surprising for an Apple page, but in truth, the praise is mostly deserved. Also of interest is a fun little (unfortunately on the low-res side) promo reel for the DVD, and on the end of the third page, there are helpful links to the two best hyperlinks around for those who have a further interest in the production of this disc.

So, go click around, and become a more informed individual. Suckle at the teat of Athena, drink the milk of Wisdom.

-El Cosmico

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