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George Romero at work on a 4th 'Living Dead' Script... 1/3 complete!'!'

Harry here.... If this is true, and if George Romero has ANY PROBLEMS getting this made... I say we geeks begin a fundraising drive to "RAISE THE DEAD" once again to a theater near us. God willing, this'll be NC-17... God Willing, Savini and KNB will do the makeup work.... God Willing Romero will be allowed to make EXACTLY the film he wants. And Woe be to the person that gets in his way... cause we will know... and hell hath no fury like us Zombie fans! We will get FULCI on their asses... PLEASE BE REAL, PLEASE COME ABOUT, PLEASSSSSSSSE


Word from inside the Romero camp is that he is 1/3 through the screenplay for a fourth DEAD film. He estimates the budget to be between 3.5 and 5 million, and he seems optimistic that it's finally going to happen.

But it more than likely won't happen until after THE GIRL WHO LOVED TOM GORDON, the Stephen King adaptation that he hopes to shoot next year.

While we wait, Romero has published through his website ( the first part of a serialized DEAD novel. Part 1 of THE DEATH OF DEATH (99 pages, PDF format) is now available for a measly 3 bucks, and it shows us how things were going down across the entire globe while Ben and Barbara and the gang were experiencing that log NIGHT in a PA farmhouse. It reads like the more episodic chapters of THE STAND crossed with a screenplay. For fiends who crave a Romero DEAD fix, it's a must.


The Stamina Man

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