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What would ALEX ROSS' SPIDER-MAN movie designs have looked like' And why won't we see them'

Hey folks, Harry here briefly with a teasing glimpse of what is to come next week. I just got finished conducting a two hour interview with Alex Ross, comic book painting god, and while that tape is in the hands of the studious Quint to type out... I wanted to give you a brief glimpse at things to come. It seems that the early reports of Alex's involvement in the SPIDER-MAN movie were premature... as are the reports about his involvement with THE FANTASTIC FOUR film. Calls were made... even paintings... What you will be seeing next week is a complete unedited look into what Alex Ross has gone through with Hollywood's flirtatious teasings of having Alex involved in films like BATMAN AND ROBIN, X-MEN, FANTASTIC FOUR and SPIDER-MAN. How come this doesn't come to pass? Why does it keep falling apart? Also... we'll be talking about the state of the comics industry, Alex's five minute short film that'll be released on CD-ROM, the upcoming Paul Dini/Alex Ross SHAZAM/CAPTAIN MARVEL book and more... Below you will find your first look at the SPIDER-MAN redesign as envisioned by Alex Ross... Enjoy... and ponder the seven days til more...

P.S.: The costume is RED and BLACK... ok? This is just a black and white rendering... color is coming... in like 7 days...

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