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Trailer has Arrived for Festival Fave DEAR WHITE PEOPLE!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

A teaser trailer has been released for Sundance favorite DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, promising a biting, direct and hilarious look at modern cultural and racial divides.

Justin Simien’s look at being a young black student in a sea of white faces has received much acclaim on the festival circuit for its clever dialogue, razer-sharp wit and well-developed characters. I was lucky to be able to catch it earlier this month at the Seattle International Film Festival, and was quite taken with the final product.

The film is an examination of our current cultural and racial climate as seen through the eyes of several students at a private East Coast university. While old politicans love to croak on about racism being over in America, Simien’s film looks at how, in many cases, racism has simply taken on a different guise. And it does so in a thoroughly entertaining way.

Here’s an example of what you can expect from the film, as lead character Sam (Tessa Thompson) takes on black representation in Hollywood films.



DEAR WHITE PEOPLE opens on October 17th. Highly Recommended.

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