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There's More STAR WARS: EPISODE VII Casting News On The Way!

Female Symbol

Jeremy here...

Did you think the cast of STAR WARS: EPISODE VII seemed a little too compact when it was announced this morning? Well, turns out there are still some significant roles to be filled - one of which is expected to be a "substantial" female character.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, this role could be for a mixed-race actor, which would indicate that Lupita Nyong'o and Maisie Richardson-Sellers, both of whom met with Abrams earlier this year, might not be out of the running. But this is all just speculation. We'll know soon enough as more of the cast flies out to London for principal photography over the next few days and weeks.

Now that we know for sure that Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher are back in the fold, I can't help but hope that Abrams has found a place for Billy Dee Williams in EPISODE VII. I miss my old pal Lando.

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