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Wicked Trailer for Pregnancy Horror DELIVERY: THE BEAST WITHIN!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

I've said it before - I LOVE demonic pregnancy movies. And while I didn't hate DEVIL'S DUE when it came out earlier this year, I wasn't in love either. It was fun played pretty by-the-numbers and didn't really have much originality to offer.

But the concept is still solid. It takes a natural part of any couple's life and making it decidedly unnatural and horrific (moreso than it was to start with - if you get right down to it, pregnancy is pretty damn horrific even without demonic intervention).

And DELIVERY: THE BEAST WITHIN looks even more awesome, because the film's set-up is that this couple's pregnancy is being documented for a TLC-style reality show showing people the joys of pregnancy and childbirth and birth and blagh blagh blagh. Seriously - if one of these shows birthed a devil baby, I might actually watch. It would make all of the simpering crap that came before totally worth sitting through!

The film generated quite a bit of buzz when it played the LA Film Festival last summer, and now you will have the opportunity to check it out.

Thanks to Bloody Disgusting for the trailer. DELIVERY: THE BEAST WITHIN hits VOD on May 27th, and will begin a limited theatrical run May 30th.

Check out the trailer below - what do you guys think?



Delivery: The Beast Within “tells the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young couple who agree to document their first pregnancy for a family-oriented reality show. As the camera continues to capture strange events, Rachel begins to believe that a malevolent spirit has possessed their unborn child. Told through the show’s un-aired footage and interviews with friends, family and production members, this savvy debut feature leverages the voyeuristic properties of reality television to present a fresh perspective on classic horror themes of possession and the paranormal– and delivers enough eeriness to keep you on the edge of your seat


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