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AICN HORROR Contest: Want a DVD of the indie horror surprise ANGRY NAZI ZOMBIES for your very own? Well, sure you do!

Logo by Kristian Horn
What the &#$% is ZOMBIES & SHARKS?

Achtung, babies! Ambush Bug here with another special AICN HORROR: ZOMBIES & SHARKS contest. Last Friday, I posted my review of the independent horror surprise ANGRY NAZI ZOMBIES and the filmmakers were so gracious they wanted to put together a contest to commemorate the release of the film on DVD. The film is directed by a trio of up and coming directors; James Eaves, Pat Higgins, & Alan Ronald and features three stories featuring Nazis and zombies and angriness and it turns out, awesomeness as well.

I’ve got ten copies of the ANGRY NAZI ZOMBIES DVD and I’m just itching to give them away to ten lucky AICN HORROR readers. So you may be hollering at your computer “How do I win this awesome indie prize?” Well, there have been a lot of zombie films out there, but I want to hear about the first zombie film you ever saw and why it stuck with you? The ten most interesting, most funny, most chilling, most entertaining first time zombie movie tales will be sent their very own copy of ANGRY NAZI ZOMBIES! So send a ONE PARAGRAPH description of your first zombie movie, DON’T FORGET TO ADD YOUR FULL ADDRESS and CLICK THIS LINK and you could be a big winner with all the bragging rights that go with it!

Best of luck! Here’s the trailer for the film below!

Find more AICN HORROR including an archive of previous columns on AICN HORROR’s Facebook page!

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