Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

V.E. reports in on A.I.

Looky looky... A.I. news... hahahaha, man, the beard is doing a damn fine job of keeping the hush hush on this project... I´ve had my guys digging a tunnel under the Warner lot for weeks, but they just keep ending up in Lorenzo´s office, like they can find out anything of worth there¿ Well, I´m in Madrid... and right now I´m kinda looking for locations for THE MAN WHO SHOT DON QUIXOTE... Now, my hotel window overlooks CERVANTES calle´ but I really don´t think that´ll be in the movie... oh well, here´s V.E.

Hey Harry

Long time reader, first time scooper here. I have learned that Steven Spielberg will be filming part of the movie A I, in Oxbow park in near Sandy, Oregon in late september. My friend is a park attendent there and he informed me. He said that the filming had to do with Haley Joel's characters mother taking some sort of "personal journey". Thought you might like to know that Oxbow is just your run of the mill camping/ hiking spot near Mt. Hood.

Peace out,

V.E. (I bring good things to life!)

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