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New Line Greenlights RUN RONNIE RUN!! Yeah, Baby!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here. Great, great news. Michael De Luca, the man with the plan at New Line, has finally given a greenlight to RUN RONNIE RUN: THE RONNIE DOBBS STORY - A MR. SHOW FILM, which means that we're going to get to see one of the funnier comedy scripts I've read in recent memory brought to life. I'm delighted. There was a point where the film was left hanging somewhat, but De Luca kept the heat on, and it's finally paid off. Can't wait till they start shooting. Here's the way the story was announced on Ronnie earlier today. You should go bookmark this site so you can see what sort of fun they have between now and release.

'Run Ronnie Run!' Greenlight!!

To be Produced and Directed by Troy Miller

Written by and Starring Bob Odenkirk as 'Terry' (Ronnie's Producer), and David Cross as 'Ronnie Dobbs'.

After 27 long years of development it seems that Ronnie Dobbs is finally coming to the big screen.

To be Produced by Dakota Films and Evolution Entertainment for distribution by New Line Cinema (thanks to our savior, Mike Deluca!)

We plan to shoot end of September in California.

It's an epic comedy tale that follows the rise of one Ronnie Dobbs, a belligerent loudmouth who becomes famous after his multiple arrests on a "Cops" style TV show, and the nation that comes to love him and then later abandon him. Along the way, much like the Mr. Show HBO series - the story spins off to unrelated satire touching on everything from music to politics to sports. Based on the characters that Bob & David created on Mr. Show. You can also see a peek at a clip from the short films here.

Keep checking back for more updates and a possible reaction from the band 'Titanica'.

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