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Info about Stallone's Renny Harlin directed opus, CHAMPS

Hey folks, as always our ever vigilant Stallone/Arnold watcher... AB KING has come up with the latest tidbits about well.... you guessed it, one of the big pair of action gods. This time, it's Stallone. Now... I'm going to take a side bar here to mention, if AB KING were to fly to Prague, he could get about 2 ft tall Stallone and Arnold Marionettes for 575 crown (or a bit under $20 american) At the time I saw these jewels, I didn't yet understand... how much the crown to american dollar was... and when I figured it out... I never got back in time to acquire them. Though... I WILL GO BACK.... SOMEDAY... I've decided that my favorite city I've ever spent time in is Prague. I loved it there. Also... check out that link below to STALLONEZONE... it's a great Stallone website with pics out the wazoo... including from CHAMPS...

ABking here,

STALLONEZONE got this exclusive information about Stallone's upcoming race car epic DRIVEN aka CHAMPS:

Out here in Toronto, there is a lot of excitement in the air as Champs/Driven is being shot at the Molson Indie race tracks. Stallone talked about the movie where he said he wanted to highlight about the lives of the drivers of this sport. Renny Harlin praised the professionalism of the people of Toronto saying that he has shot 4 films here. Burt Reynolds said he always wanted to work with Sly and is happy to do so now. Estelle Warren was looking a complete knock out...what a babe!

They showed some clips of the movie, describing it as Rocky on wheels though the story apparently revolves around 3 race drivers. Sly plays a driver who suffered an accident previously, but gets a second chance and incidently helps a younger driver to achieve success. Sly described the movie as somewhat biographical and was looking really happy on the set. He is credited as the actor, writer and producer and was guiding Estelle with a scene.

Sly said he hoped he would get a chance to move around a bit out here in Toronto. The news clips ended by saying that the movie has already been shot in Brazil,Detroit and Canada! The best part of it was Renny Harlin promising that it will be the biggest and best movie of the summer, come 2001.

Elie Samaha, the films producer and owner of Franchise Pictures, also said that CHAMPS/DRIVEN will be one of the biggest summer hits next year and the movie will change the history of racing in the future. Champs is also Franchise Pictures biggest film with a budget of over 70 million dollars.


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