Ain't It Cool News (

BBC News Confirms Recovery Of Long Lost DOCTOR WHO Episodes!!


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As I anticipated a few days ago, BBC News' official website is now confirming a storm of recent rumors and reports that long lost, presumed destroyed episodes of vintage DOCTOR WHO episodes have been recovered and are on their way to public release.    

A number of early episodes of Doctor Who, which were believed to have been permanently lost, have been returned to the BBC. BBC Worldwide is expected to confirm the find at a press conference in London later this week.


Details of how fans will be able to watch the recovered episodes are also expected to be revealed later this week.

...says BBC, in a piece which can be found HERE.

I should note that the "106" regarding the missing number of episodes recovered is higher than what I've heard (note that the report only specifies "a number of early episodes.")  We'll see soon enough, it seems...




Glen Oliver


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