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Mark Wahlberg to take over for James Caan as THE GAMBLER for Rupert Wyatt!?!

Hey Yo, Draven here.

The Wrap is reporting that Rupert Wyatt (RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES) and Mark Wahlberg are both circling the remake of the 1974 film, THE GAMBLER. Rupert Wyatt would direct from a script by William Monahan (THE DEPARTED) and Mark Wahlberg would take over the role played by James Caan in the original. The original followed a college professor that had a gambling addiction and is one of Caan’s favorite films.

We had heard a few years ago that Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio were eyeing a reunion with this film. Later on, Todd Phillips (THE HANGOVER) was reportedly in talks to direct this remake but Paramount has now moved on to Wyatt. Wyatt hasn’t directed anything since he surprised us all with 2011’s RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES but he has set up development of several projects and there are some rumors that he is being considered for STAR TREK 3.

This is a project that has attracted a lot of big name talent and Paramount seems to think the script has a lot of potential. Mark Wahlberg has been mixing in more serious, adult dramas, with his mainstream big budget films as of late and I think he has the chops for this. (Not to mention it will allow him to make up for the last time he played a teacher in THE HAPPENING.) So I am excited to see where this ends up. It should all shake out relatively soon so stay tuned.

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