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If there's enough room for a chowder head like The Behind the Scenes Pics of the Day, then there's more than enough room for a dragon.

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with today’s Behind the Scenes Pic!

As I type this I'm sitting in the lobby of the Anabella hotel, a stone's throw away from Disneyland. The hotel itself looks nice and all, but I've been stranded without a room until the evening because... well, just because, I guess.

This is dangerous for me because I'm addicted to Disneyland and I'm contemplating buying a annual pass so I can jump in and out of the park during my free nights while covering D23. As someone who lives in Texas and can avoid visiting the LA area for many months at a time, that's a little on the silly side of things, considering how much one of those annual passes cost.

I haven't decided quite what I'm going to do about that temptation yet, but no matter what I can tell you I have Disney on my mind. I can't wait to see what they show us at D23, but even more than that I just love being surrounded by folks that adore the same movies and cartoon icons I grew up loving!

So, I'm in the mood to Disney up the BTS column and you better believe I'm gonna do it, starting with a film that holds the distinction of being the very first film I saw theatrically, according to my dear old mommy: Pete's Dragon.

I'm going to dedicate this day's image to David Lowery, an AICNer done good who is now, somehow, in charge of remaking this beloved film... well, at least beloved by me. I know it's not Pinocchio or anything, but damn it I love it! So, David... This one's for you. Don't turn the movie into Dragonhart For Kids, please and thank you.

What you're seeing below is young Sean Marshall, Pete himself, in his '70s street clothes, a far cry from the child slave of mountain people threads he rocked in the film, in the lighthouse set with a pencil depiction of Elliott showing where the animated dragon will be in the frame. I'm not sure who the adult is, but if I had to guess I'd say it's Sean's dad.

So, Disney week has officially begun here at the BtSPotD. Enjoy this pic I found in an old American Cinematographer issue!



If you have a behind the scenes shot you’d like to submit to this column, you can email me at

Tomorrow’s behind the scenes pic smells the blood of an Englishmouseman.

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I've got a lot of maintenance work to do on the previous BTS articles, but you can visit two pages worth of images (beware of some broken links thanks to the last server shift): Click here for Page One and Click here for Page Two!


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