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Our first look at the Sentinels of X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST!!

Howdy do, everyone, Papa Vinyard here.


I know Comic-Con is where all the non-Marvel studios like to show off their goodies from upcoming projects, but somehow I didn't see this one coming. Superhero Hype has put up a couple of pictures of the Sentinel display currently put up at the Hard Rock Cafe in San Diego, close to the Con. All we get is the head, and the TRASK logo behind him (signifying Bolivar Trask, who will be played by Peter Dinklage), but it's more than enough to give you an idea of what direction they're going in with these.


Slash Film's Germain Lussier Instagrammed a closer look at the head, and it is kind of Terminator-y, and decidedly different than the more defined, human-featured, super-purple getup we're used to, but it seems like it'll be a perfect fit for this modern incarnation of X-MEN. I can only imagine the full-sized ones are much bigger and more elaborate than this, and there's even a possibility that this is meant to represent a prototype Sentinel to precede the big-daddy mofos that'll actually pose a threat to Xavier & Co. But I'm digging the design, it's looking pretty fully realized, and I can totally imagine mutant-killing lasers coming out of those eyes, so in my opinion, we're in good shape. I was always wondering what the Sentinels of these X-MEN movies would look like (that cock-tease from X-MEN: THE LAST STAND did nothing for me but piss me off), and this fulfills my expectations. Can't wait to see 'em in action!


Again, with all these Comic-Con posts, there's a "WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?" attached promising you more goodies as we press on through the weekend.


X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST opens May 23, 2014.

-Vincent Zahedi
”Papa Vinyard”
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