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Johnny Depp close to finalizing a deal to return for ALICE IN WONDERLAND 2

Hey Yo, Draven here.

We have more Johnny Depp news, as Deadline is now reporting that a deal is close for him to return as the Mad Hatter for James Bobin in ALICE IN WONDERLAND 2. We told you to expect this back in May when Bobin’s involvement was announced. This news comes the week after insiders are predicting that Depp’s THE LONE RANGER is set to lose Disney at least $150 million. This also comes after it was leaked just yesterday that he was signing on to star in MORTDECAI.

I don’t really care about this film and my thoughts on the original and Depp’s career choices of late are in this post. I know some of you guys think I am being harsh on Depp, but he used to be somebody I was excited to watch in any of his films. Now he is stuck playing the same kind of roles over and over again. I long for the days of DONNIE BRASCO or DEAD MAN. Hopefully this will all turn around with his role in next year’s TRANSCENDENCE, but even after that it is back to Jack Sparrow and the Mad Hatter for him.

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