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HELL BABY Is Coming! Here's A New Poster To Prove It!


Beaks here...

From Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon, the obscenely successful Hollywood players who taught you HOW TO WRITE MOVIES FOR FUN AND PROFIT, comes the final word in baby horror.

HELL BABY premiered at last January's Sundance Film Festival, and I'm told it is "gross, dumb, crass and wildly funny". Since this is Garant and Lennon working outside of a major studio, I find this very easy to believe. The film stars Rob Corddry and Leslie Bibb as an expectant couple who buy a dilapidated New Orleans house that happens to be haunted as shit. Things go horribly wrong from there, leading to some exorcising assistance from Garant and Lennon, and cameos from a who's who of who's funny in comedy right now.

The movie is due out later this year, but here's the first poster for the film. I dig it.

Hell Baby Poster
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