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Brad Pitt gets a FURY-ous hot LaBeouf injection!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. FURY is one of the most interesting films in development for me. David Ayer knocked it out of the park with End of Watch, Brad Pitt's coasting through the Dirty Harry-era Eastwood stage of his career and I'm a sucker for a good WW2 story, especially if it involves tanks!

Variety is reporting that Shia LaBeouf is in talks to joing Pitt as one of his tank crewmen in the flick, which is about a Sherman tank crew behind enemy lines as the Nazi regime collapses in the final days of WW2.

I imagine it'll be claustrophobic and intense and full of character development since Ayer is writing and directing. In other words, it has the potential to be Das Boot on land. If it's even near that ballpark I'll be super psyched!


-Eric Vespe
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