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And The First Turtle Domino Has Fallen - Raphael Cast For NINJA TURTLES Relaunch!!

Alan Ritchson

The Kidd here...

With Megan Fox as April O'Neil already in the fold, it was only a matter of time before Jonathan Liebesman moved onto actually casting the titular characters of the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES reboot. Well, the first shell has been lifted, and Alan Ritchson is to be found beneath it. 

Deadline reports that Ritchson, who will be seen as District One Tribute Gloss later this year in THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE, has been cast to play the Sai-wielding Raphael in a role that looks as if it'll be shaped by motion-capture... so, for those of you holding out for the suits of that first TMNT picture, you might want to give up that dream. 

Ritchson had been a recurring character on Spike's comedy series BLUE MOUNTAIN STATE, and some of you may recognize him as the guy who eventually became Aquaman on SMALLVILLE.

Needless to say, expect three more castings to follow soon enough to give us a sense of who will be bringing this foursome to life. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael illustration

-Billy Donnelly

"The Infamous Billy The Kidd"

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